Verify dependencies are excluded/disabled
> # Error/crash monitoring
> sentry -> io.sentry:sentry-android
> # Customer engagement (with Firebase Cloud Messaging)
> leanplum_core -> com.leanplum:leanplum-core
> leanplum_fcm -> com.leanplum:leanplum-fcm
> # Mobile measurement and fraud prevention (tracks app installation)
> adjust -> com.adjust.sdk:adjust-android
> # Install Referrer
> installreferrer // Required by Adjust ->
> # Obtain the Google Advertising ID from the device for use as a unique telemetry identifier
> google_ads_id // Required for the Google Advertising ID ->
- Verify Sentry is disabled
- Verify Leanplum is disabled
- Verify Adjust is disabled
- Verify InstallReferrer is disabled
- Verify Google Ads ID is disabled
- Disable mozilla_lib_crash
- Check DigitalAssetLinksHandler is disabled
- Only Build Against One Gecko Engine
- Disable Push functionality
- #33594 (closed)
- #40019 (closed)