Ubuntu Unity automatically maximizes Tor Browser if the program tries to open its content window at a size equal to or greater than 75% of the total screen area. This includes occasions when the user clicks 'New Identity'. This exposes the user's real monitor dimensions to visited websites and third parties.
A workaround is to install and run compizconfig-settings-manager, navigate to 'Ubuntu Unity Plugin', then set the 'Automaximize Value' to 100%. After a restart, TBB behaves as it should: requesting a new identity, even after maximizing the window, causes the new window to open at a multiple of 200x100.
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Note that custom web browser window dimensions may make your fingerprint more unique than standard screen dimensions, which presumably are common to many systems.
Update: I have also now experienced this problem on a fresh install of Debian Wheezy when trying to use TBB 3.0alpha3. TBB stable/beta seem to be unaffected, opening at the requisite 200x100 multiple.
I've tried the new 3.0alpha4 bundle on Debian and the same issue occurs.
I really hope either a fix or a workaround is found before 3.0alpha becomes the mainstream TBB, because if not, I will no longer be able to use Tor safely.
In the absence of a proper fix, is there a way to reliably resize the window to the right dimensions after it opens?
The plot thickens. TBB 3.0alpha1 and 3.0alpha2 have the correct window size behavior - the problem started with the release of 3.0alpha3. (The new stable and beta bundles do work as expected, yes)
Incidentally, I just Panopticlick'ed one of the bundles that displays 'correct' behavior (current beta), and it claims for me a resolution of 1000x371 (#8478 (closed) calling from beyond the grave?). So correct isn't really correct, just less wrong.
Also, x371 comes about as close as possible to the full width of my screen: why isn't it trying for 800x400 instead?
Well, 3.0a3 is the first version that contains a fix for #8478 (closed) (3.0a4 containing a fix for that fix additionally). It seems that one is not working for you, interesting. 2 things you could do (using 3.0a4): a) Do you see some errors on the error console (Strg + Shift + J) on start-up? If so, which ones? b) Could you set the Torbutton log level to "1" (in about:config "extensions.torbutton.loglevel"), restart and post the output of the error console messages (not errors and neither warnings)?
Soooo... After a lot of fiddling with the listeners I think I fixed this issue. Please review bug_9738_v3 in my public torbutton repo.
harmony: Any idea how I could help you testing that patch?
Mike (or whoever is reviewing this and #10095 (closed)): The patch should work pretty well with the one in #10095 (closed) and there should be no merge conflicts. If there are conflicts though, the rule of thumb is: this patch should get included before
// This is fun
and the code in #10095 (closed) after we do the resizing. Or let me rebase the stuff that is complaining.