The geoip_load_file() function has no test coverage. As a demo at the hackfest, I worked with Juga to fix that situation. Please review branch geoip_testing in my public repository.
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Is it possible that the SRCDIR "/src/config/geoip" file ends up somewhere different on windows? There's an experimental build (read: it could be lying) for part of the AppVeyor setup for #25549 (moved) which seems to claim it can't find that file.
There was a bug here that I fixed in 398bef2592010e71692dd9c3b5b90d3751c48bb2 -- is the appveyor setup on a branch that includes that fix, or did it branch earlier?
Maybe my MinGW-based setup does not like cygwin paths.
Using "c:/projects/appveyor" seems to work. There is a piece of autoconf code that tries to do the same (determine the actual source directory), maybe it should be reused?