This is a great opportunity to crowd-source from our community and get some newer articles listed.
Can one of our volunteers take point on this and set up a wiki page and start tracking down articles? I think getting a good list from the past 6 months is the challenging part, and then getting that list onto the web page will be the easy part.
(I also encourage Tor Weekly News to start listing interesting press articles so it's easier to build the list in the future. I guess that means some mechanism for the TWN authors to notice them.)
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I will take the lead on getting these on the website. Thank you for putting them on the wiki - it saves lots of time and now I can get rid of my archaic excel spreadsheet I was using. I will also add to the wiki as I see things come through. RE the process of choosing articles - I suggest something easy - my plan is to post articles on the press page which are informative, positive for Tor, enlightening, etc. - it is not in our best interests to post on the press page article which are unflattering to Tor or the mission of freedom of speech. And then remind people on tor-assitants and tor-internal they are welcome to lobby for articles they feel strongly should be there.
I will take the lead on getting these on the website. Thank you for putting them on the wiki - it saves lots of time and now I can get rid of my archaic excel spreadsheet I was using. I will also add to the wiki as I see things come through.
Ok, I will continue to add articles as I find them. Also, is it just English language articles, or can it be other languages? I have been added non-English language articles with the language code appended. Any direction?
RE the process of choosing articles - I suggest something easy - my plan is to post articles on the press page which are informative, positive for Tor, enlightening, etc. - it is not in our best interests to post on the press page article which are unflattering to Tor or the mission of freedom of speech.
I agree with your comments, but I think to be as balanced as possible, the best approach would be to add articles to the wiki which mention Tor/The Tor Project in a significant way. Even if it is a negative way. The articles that are added to the "press" website can be a subset of this.
My reasoning is to be as balanced as possible. Not to skew the coverage in a positive only.
And then remind people on tor-assitants and tor-internal they are welcome to lobby for articles they feel strongly should be there.
Is tor-assistants list an internal Tor list, or can anyone join it?
The press page has been brought up to date and will continue to be refreshed monthly unless a major news event happens and articles need to be posted immediately.
The wiki will continue to be updated as articles and other news links become available.